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La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control

La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 hand control
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: 11850
Units in Stock: 7
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07, and 11850 hand controls are all interchangable. 

Please double check that one of the exact part numbers above is on the label on the back of your hand control. Many La Z Boy part numbers differ by only one number.

They will be labeled Relaxor or La Z Boy on the face. Relaxor makes these hand controls for La Z Boy. They are identical. 

List Price: $189.00
You Save: $74.00 (39%)